Tips to Stretch Your Food Dollars
For most folks, making a trip to the grocery store or local specialty market doesn’t rank near the top of fun-to-do activities. Yet everyone will agree that it is a necessity we all must undertake. When you make that trip, however, how wisely do you use the dollars you spend? Here are some worthwhile tips […]
The Health Benefits of Eating Chicken
By far, the most popular of all white meats is chicken. For starters, it’s inexpensive and quick to prepare. Plus it can be served in a way variety of ways (chicken soup and diced up in a salad are just a few favorites.) But that’s not all! Peacock’s Poultry Farm team wants you to remember […]
Shop Smart – Eat Healthy
Supermarkets stock an amazing array of fresh, frozen and prepared foods. So do we a Peacock’s Poultry Farm. Regardless of where you purchase these perishable foods, it’s up to you to take care of them properly. Here are some helpful tips for smart shopping and handling food products carefully, and safely, from the store to […]
Hints for Proper Thawing & Defrosting
Thinking about what to serve the family for dinner tomorrow? How about those spare ribs or Cornish hens you’ve carefully stored in the freezer after your last visit to our Peacock Poultry Farm store. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Once you’ve made the decision on the main course there is still some planning involved before firing […]
“I’ve Lost Power! Now What?”
Sooner or later you’re likely to experience a power outage at your home. The amount of time your refrigerator and freezer is left without electricity (be it minutes, hours or days) can have a dramatic impact on the freshness and safety of the foods stored inside. The Food Market Institute ( provides the helpfully guidelines […]
How Long Can I Store It?
Not all food products are created equal. So, too, not all foods have the same storage life. Our Peacock Poultry Farms team wants you to be as informed as possible about how you can ensure those eating at your table will be served the tastiest, most nutritious meals possible. The reference chart below lists many […]
Freezer Tips to Maintain Quality
Open the door of any home freezer and you’ll no doubt find quite a variety of items. If you’re like most of us on the Peacock Poultry Farms team there will be a selection of meats, poultry and seafood stored amongst the ice cream, prepackaged vegetables and factory-prepared dinners. Here are some helpful guidelines for […]
Refrigerating Tips for Freshness
When you shop for meat, poultry, fish or dairy products (and we hope you do at Peacock Poultry Farm) you’ll want to ensure that product freshness and quality will be maintained up to the time the meals are prepared. “The Food Keeper” is a useful consumer guide or food quality and safe handling developed by […]
Handling Food Safely In Your Home
Our Peacock Poultry Farm team takes the utmost care to ensure that all our products are processed, packaged and stored before you make your purchase. That means you’re getting not only the freshest but also the safest meats, poultry and fish available for your family. Unfortunately, many cases of food borne illness occur each year […]
April Traditions of Ham & Eggs
That’s right! The first big holiday of the year (if you exclude New Year’s) is Easter. For many folks that means a traditional and delicious ham to be served at the dinner table. But if you’re like a lot of people there’s usually a healthy portion remaining for future meals. Unlike a ham that takes […]